Pursuit:365! My Great New Morning Read!
"I am delighted to have a new gem added to my morning routine. I am making a point to read at least two stories every morning from my new copy of Pursuit:365, 2022 edition, as I sip my coffee. The stories have certainly enriched my day as I read about so many amazing peeps!"
Pursuit:365 2022! My Great New Morning Read!
I am delighted to have a new gem added to my morning routine. I am making a point to read at least two stories every morning from my new copy of Pursuit:365, 2022 edition, as I sip my coffee. The stories have certainly enriched my day as I read about so many amazing peeps!
I love that I can read about someone who really made me laugh over the years, and reading about him and looking at his face brings back cherished youthful memories; or feel emotional and grateful to read about bird that saved a man’s life. I find joy in reading about an artist who is clearly in tune with nature in so many beautiful ways, and I feel blessed to be able to see her work, even though I live thousands of miles away. I am grateful that I have been inspired by a personal friend who joins me as a co-author in this edition. Her story means so much because we are friends, and our kids are friends, and that is a truly special connection both professionally and personally! I feel gratitude to read about people who have personally been blindsided by tragedy or loss, and somehow have overcome such insurmountable obstacles to survive and thrive! Bravo! I’m delighted to read about an indigenous woman who has overcome her horrific upbringing circumstances to stand up now for others to make a difference in the world. Well done! And then there are the life lessons, like the line on the paper with an ‘A’ at one end and a ‘B’ on the other that a parent drew for his son. A simple thing, but a concise and brilliant demonstration that is illuminating to pass on. Thank you!
Every day now, I am looking forward to discovering new people within the pages of this wonderful book. Thank you, Shelly Lynn Hughes, for this amazing opportunity. This edition is a wonderful read, with so much to offer. I look forward to the next one, though not quite yet...I’m still beautifully exploring the pages of this one!
Cheers! Lise
PS...if you are looking for me in your copy, I’m on page 125!